Early Warnings for All
Early Warnings for All:
Executive Action Plan 2023-2027
“The facts are clear. Early warnings save lives and deliver vast financial benefits. I urge all governments, financial institutions and civil society to support this effort.” – UN Secretary-General António Guterres
Early Warnings for All Dashboard
The Early Warnings for All Initiative dashboard aims at tracking progress, informing decision-making and measuring success as key elements for achieving its five-year goal of the Early Warnings for All Initiative: to ensure that all people on Earth are covered by early warning systems by 2027.
2023 Progress Report
The Global Status of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems 2023 report outlines the progress that has been made under the Early Warnings for All (EW4All) initiative. It seeks to highlight good practices through case studies and examples of both global and regional initiatives which are contributing to the achievement of the goal set by the UN Secretary-General.
Disaster Risk Knowledge (UNDRR)
Collecting data and undertaking risk assessments to increase knowledge on hazards and vulnerabilities and trends
Detection, observation, monitoring, analysis and forecasting (WMO)
Developing hazard monitoring and early warning services
Warning dissemination and communication (ITU)
Communicating risk information to all those who need it
Preparedness and response capabilities (IFRC)
Building national and community response capabilities
Early Warnings for All Videos
Learn more about the scope, reach, and impact of the initiative through a selection of videos.