Programmatic Framework - Pillar 2

Intermediary Result 2.1:  Increased availability of quality observation data to assess and monitor priority hazards

Outputs / Activities:

  1. Modernization and Expansion of Observation Networks: Upgrade existing observation stations are connected to the WMO Information System 2.0 and establish new observation stations in areas where there are gaps to enhance coverage and accuracy of data collection. 
  2. Deployment of Advanced Monitoring Technologies: Integrate remote sensing technologies, automated weather stations, and hydrological sensors to supplement traditional observation methods and improve data collection efficiency (in accordance with WMO Standards). 
  3. Quality Assurance and Calibration Programs: Conform with WMO standards in quality control and calibration protocols to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of observation data. 
  4. Capacity Building Programs: Provide training and technical support to personnel responsible for operating and maintaining observation networks, ensuring they have the necessary skills and knowledge to produce high-quality data. 

Intermediary Result 2.2:   Enhanced data exchange and access for forecasting and warning systems

Outputs / Activities:

  1. Integration of Data from Multiple Sources: Integrate data from diverse sources, including ground-based observation networks, remote sensing technologies, satellite imagery, and crowd-sourced information, to provide comprehensive and timely and quality inputs for forecasting and warning systems. 
  2. Strengthen implementation of WMO’s supportive frameworks. For example, TCP, GMAS and WIPPS. 
  3. Regional Climate Centre Collaboration: Strengthen collaboration with regional climate centres to strengthen access to regional products that can aid in national forecasting and warning services.  
  4. Capacity Building Programs: Provide training and technical support to personnel involved in operating, managing, and accessing hydrometeorological data systems, ensuring they have the necessary skills and knowledge to utilize data effectively. 

Intermediary Result 2.3: Increased capabilities to forecast all priority hazards

Outputs / Activities:

  1. Comprehensive Hazard-Specific Forecasting Plans: Develop individualized forecasting plans for each priority hazard, outlining specific strategies, methodologies, and data requirements tailored to the unique characteristics and challenges of each hazard type, such as floods, droughts, tropical cyclones, and extreme heat events. 
  2. Downscaling Framework Development: Establish a framework for downscaling global and regional forecasts to the local scale, utilizing statistical, dynamical, and empirical downscaling techniques to enhance the resolution and accuracy of forecasts, particularly in areas with complex terrain or microclimatic variability. 
  3. Lead Time Extension Initiatives: Implement initiatives to extend forecast lead times for all priority hazards, including investments in advanced modelling techniques, data assimilation systems, and observational networks to improve the skill and reliability of medium-range and long-range forecasts. 
  4. Forecast Verification Systems Enhancement: Strengthen forecast verification systems by implementing standardized metrics, methodologies, and procedures for assessing forecast accuracy, reliability, and skill scores across all priority hazards, facilitating continuous improvement and optimization of forecasting models and techniques. 
  5. Tailored Capacity Building Programs: Develop customized capacity building programs and training initiatives focused on enhancing forecasting skills, knowledge, and expertise specific to each priority hazard, targeting meteorologists, hydrologists, emergency managers, and other relevant stakeholders at various levels of proficiency. 

Intermediary Result 2.4: Impact-based forecasts and warnings produced for all priority hazards

Outputs / Activities:

  1. Co-Production Workshops and Stakeholder Engagement: Organize co-production workshops and stakeholder engagement sessions, leveraging existing national level maHazndated task teams/working groups as applicable, which involving meteorologists, hydrologists, disaster managers, community representatives, and other relevant stakeholders to collaboratively develop impact-based forecasting methodologies, tools, and products tailored to local needs and priorities. 
  2. Integration of Vulnerability and Exposure Data: Incorporate vulnerability and exposure data, such as population demographics, infrastructure inventories, and land-use maps, into impact-based forecasting models and systems to enhance the accuracy and relevance of forecasts by accounting for the varying susceptibility and resilience of different communities and assets to hydrometeorological hazards.  
  3. Hazardous Event Tracking System and tools: To be  developed in partnership with UNDRR and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Members will be supported for the WMO Cataloguing Hazardous Weather, Climate, Water, and Space Weather Events (CHE) with the aim that all Members use unique ID for cataloguing events in the long-term. By implementing the WMO-CHE, WMO Members will enable new possibilities for the development of impact-based warnings, risk analysis based on empirical hazardous event data, research, and more systematic and scalable hazard and impact data, which could benefit Members and other stakeholders in the loss and damage community. 
  4. Development of Integrated Hazard and Risk Maps: Develop integrated hazard and risk maps that combine information on hydrometeorological hazards, vulnerability, exposure, and socio-economic factors to provide comprehensive spatial representations of risk, enabling decision-makers to prioritize actions, allocate resources, and implement targeted interventions for risk reduction and resilience building. 
  5. Establishment of Data Sharing Arrangements and Protocols: Establish formalized data sharing arrangements and protocols with relevant government agencies, research institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and private sector entities to facilitate the exchange of data and information necessary for impact-based forecasting, ensuring timely access to critical datasets while addressing data privacy and security concerns. 
  6. Integration of Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) for Timely and Effective Dissemination of Forecasts and Warnings: Implement the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) as a standardized format for the dissemination of impact-based forecasts and warnings to relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, emergency responders, media outlets, and the general public. 
  7. Tailored Training Programs: Develop tailored training programs and capacity-building initiatives focused on enhancing the skills, knowledge, and competencies of meteorologists, hydrologists, emergency managers, planners, and other stakeholders in impact-based forecasting methodologies, risk assessment techniques, data analysis tools, and decision support systems, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning in the field of disaster risk management. 

Intermediary Result 2.5: Strengthened governance structures, institutional arrangements, and collaboration mechanisms to enhance the management of hazards

Outputs / Activities:

  1. Review and Update of National Strategic Plans for NMHSs: Conduct a comprehensive review and update of existing national strategic plans for NMHSs, incorporating new priorities, objectives, and strategies to address emerging challenges and opportunities in hydro-meteorological hazard management. If these are not in place (Somalia), aid in developing and operationalizing this.  
  2. Development of Human and Financial Resources Strategy: Formulate a human and financial resources strategy for NMHSs aligned to the National Strategic Plan for NMHSs.
  3. Establishment of Business Continuity Plans: Develop and implement business continuity plans for NMHSs to ensure the uninterrupted provision of essential services and functions during emergencies, disasters, or other disruptions. 
  4. Strengthening of MHEWS Governance Supported by Standard Operating Protocols: Strengthen MHEWS governance through the establishment of needed/fitting standard operating protocols that define clear roles, responsibilities, and procedures for collaboration among relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, disaster management authorities, and other partners. 

Pillar 2 Resources Package

The Resources Package is a curated selection of guidance documents to support country-level implementation of EW4All. This package offers approved guidance and tools to assist in the effective execution of the initiative.