Programmatic Framework - Pillar 1
Intermediary Outcome 1.1: Enhanced capability to produce quality, timely, and contextualized risk and disaster (losses and damages) information, through inclusive and participatory approaches
Outputs / Activities:
- Diagnosing disaster risk data ecosystem and risk knowledge maturity: diagnostics on the status of risk knowledge in EWS at the national or local level (using tools such as EW4All Gap Analysis, MCR2030); assess maturity of risk data production, management and use (including historic/ losses and damages/disaster data along with risk (hazard, vulnerability, exposure and coping capacity).
- Strengthening disaster risk analytics and enhancing core risk knowledge capabilities for EWS:
Institutionalizing national hazardous events and disaster losses and damages tracking systems:
- Strengthen national capacities to collect, produce, share, manage and analyze granular hazardous events and disaggregated (sex, age, disability, income, sector, geographic & hazard, etc.) disaster losses, damages and impact data, ensuring alignment with the Sendai Framework- Establish national data collection, sharing and quality assurance mechanisms/arrangements, data (e.g. hazard classification and hazard definitions) and metadata standards
- Roles, responsibilities and workflows on data collection, sharing and analysis are codified into local, sectoral and national policies, plans and SoPs
- Assessing environmental and ecosystem services losses and vulnerabilities assessments.
- Institutionalizing methods, protocols and tools for risk assessment and analysis.
- Provide training and technical assistance to national and local stakeholders on risk assessment methods and tools, including risk and hazard identification, vulnerability and exposure mapping and assessment, matrixes; focused on assessment of coping capacities of key sectors; includes data maturity scoping (sources, types, formats, quality), gathering, cleansing, integration.
- Support the establishment of standardized national risk assessment protocols and tools tailored to the country and local context.
- Assist in the development of national risk maps and tools to consolidate and manage risk information effectively across sectors and administrative units.
- Piloting and scaling-up technology and innovation for RK production:
- Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for risk knowledge production
- Boosting risk knowledge production with space technologies for early warning systems
- Promote crowdsourcing methods to support losses and damages data collection/production
- Strategic engagements for gender-responsive, inclusive, and participatory RK production:
- Promotion of disability and gender inclusion in RK production processes
- Promotion of citizen science and community-based monitoring
- Integration of indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) in RK production
Intermediary Outcome 1.2: Enhanced open access to risk information and knowledge by all relevant actors
Outputs / Activities:
- Developing or improving interoperability among risk knowledge platforms.
- Support national adoption of standards for risk information sharing/exchange.
- Raise awareness on open and interoperable data (e.g. FAIR Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable), digital public goods and open-source standards for open- disaster and risk data policies.
Intermediary Outcome 1.3: Strengthened application of risk information along the EWS value chain
Outputs / Activities:
- Establishing / strengthening coordination mechanisms for users:
- Develop sample protocols, SoP, Terms of reference for establishment of situation-monitoring mechanisms.
- Develop guidance on products and service deliver by situation-monitoring centers.
- Identification of computing/operational resources, staff and budget capability to establish and operate situation rooms.
- Establish situation rooms, operations centers, or similar mechanisms to support real-time analysis of hazards and risks, combining impact data with predictive analysis and supporting warning dissemination and response actions.
- Training and national capacity strengthening on the use and application of disaster (losses and damages) and risk information for EW and Early action.
- Co-develop with entities responsible for hazard monitoring, risk knowledge production, early action and response, training and technical guidance on development of impact-based warning and early action incorporating vulnerability, exposure and past impact/historic data targeted warning messages and recommended actions.
Intermediary Outcome: 1.4: Enhanced capacities to monitor and report on the coverage and effectiveness of early warning systems and apply learning to improve approaches
Outputs / Activities:
- Improving reporting to global monitoring systems: capacity building and technical support to national takeholders to monitor and report to the Sendai Framework Monitor.
- Application of losses and damages data for monitoring and reporting on DRR and EWS progress and effectiveness in reducing losses and damages.
- Establishing or improving national M&E systems to track MHEWS performance: assistance in the selection of indicators applicable to country contexts and facilitation of integration into DRR and climate change adaptation M&E systems; assistance on reporting results to the EW4All M&E system.
Pillar 1 Resources Package
The Resources Package is a curated selection of guidance documents to support country-level implementation of EW4All. This package offers approved guidance and tools to assist in the effective execution of the initiative.