Programmatic Framework - Pillar 3

Intermediary Result 3.1: Current status of warning dissemination and communication systems reviewed and documented, including gaps, priorities, needs and existing institutional arrangements

Outputs / Activities:

  • Completion and validation of the national gap analysis: Based on the kick-off meeting inputs, finalize a high-level country roadmap.
  • Country-level assessment on warning dissemination and communication: Conduct a comprehensive country-level assessment on the availability, resilience, and coverage of mobile networks (including using Disaster Connectivity Maps, DCM), access/ownership of mobile devices, and other existing disseminations, including the feedback mechanism in place, to identify gaps and priorities. Consult with civil society, media, and community-level partners to identify existing communication channels and gaps, particularly for vulnerable communities.
  • Legislative assessment on warning dissemination and communication: Assess current legislation and standard operating procedures (SOPs). If appropriate and necessary, propose modifications to the regulatory framework to implement an Early Warning System (EWS) based on Cell Broadcast (CB) and/or other means of alert dissemination.
  • RAA Awareness raising: Increase awareness in countries to update their WMO registry of alerting authorities.
  • Support countries in developing National Emergency Telecommunication Plan (NETP) to enhance the country capacity in disaster risk management and coordination.
  • Understand community perspectives and social-behavioral dimensions of Early Warning Dissemination and Communication, which includes: 1) Roll out research to identify locally relevant early information and actions within exposed and vulnerable populations, including behavioral determinants which influence information uptake and the decisions to take actions. 2) Deploy Community Trust Index for Early Warning to measure levels of community trust in early warning information/stakeholders, and early action measures. 3) Develop and roll-out a locally relevant measurement framework to monitor and measure the impact of risk communication and community engagement approaches.

Intermediary Result 3.2: Technical advice provided on how to implement next steps on warning dissemination and communication, as identified by the roadmap

Outputs / Activities:

  • Feasibility study and technical guidance on setting up cell broadcast: Support countries in conducting a preliminary feasibility study on cell broadcast which includes mapping of current status and providing technical guidance on implementation.
  • Technical assistance for countries to set up cell broadcast: Provide technical assistance to countries on cell broadcast implementation which includes: preliminary technical assessment for countries for mobile EWS; support with the development of the bidding/tender document, which will include technical assessment, and an economic scope/financial assessment of the cost of this implementation; coordination and meetings with stakeholders including regulators and mobile providers; advice on the CB solution to be implemented; request of information to mobile providers; draft bidding documents for market analysis; review market analysis and final bidding documents.
  • Technical assistance for a CAP enabled systems at national level.
  • Purchasing and setting up the mobile early warning system solution and management platforms.
  • Purchasing and setting up other means of alert diffusions including the community-based solutions.
  • Implementation of national level Community Early Warning System, including Training of Trainers, organize Community-level workshops for the implementation of community level Community Early Warning System Workshop; and depending on the needs and resources, include local risk monitoring equipment and/or training to access national and subnational risk information.
  • Support the design and rolling out of behaviorally informed, inclusive, community driven Early Warning Systems action plans, including risk communication strategies based on context analysis, trust research and community insights.

Intermediary Result 3.3: Strengthened national capacity to coordinate and implement roadmap actions for warning dissemination and communication

Outputs / Activities:

  • Capacity building on warning dissemination and communication: Support capacity building by providing training and organizing drills for relevant government staff, media, communities, and other stakeholders from project countries. Enhance the population's knowledge and skills in warning dissemination and communication.
  • Overall coordination on EW4All at the national level: Coordinate the technical work of warning dissemination and communication at the national level. Liaise with government agencies and ensure coordination between the regional office and headquarters for Pillar 3.
  • Develop an alert dissemination plan/strategy on where and how to implement and/or include (in addition to the CB system) other means of alert diffusion such as radio and television broadcasting, sirens, etc. Support on the development of alert dissemination and communication strategy; Implementation of strategy, including awareness raising campaign for alert dissemination and communication; and set up of feedback mechanism at national, sub-national and local levels to track fears, misinformation, rumors and feedback related to early warning aligned with dissemination (Adaptation of existing IFRC feedback tools).

Intermediary Result 3.4: Enhanced national capacities for warning dissemination and communication

Outputs / Activities:

  • Alert message co-design workshops: Organize co-design workshops together with government, academia, civil society organizations and community members to develop/harmonize and contextualize actionable messages for inclusion in official hazard alerts.
  • CAP training for countries: Train stakeholders on the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) to ensure consistency between alerting messaging.
  • Assess and address warning dissemination gap using artificial intelligence.

Pillar 3 Resources Package

The Resources Package is a curated selection of guidance documents to support country-level implementation of EW4All. This package offers approved guidance and tools to assist in the effective execution of the initiative.