Programmatic Framework - Pillar 4

Intermediary Result 4.1: Strengthened enabling environment for response to warnings

Outputs / Activities:

  • Stocktake of enabling environment: Undertake baseline assessment study of existing national legal and regulatory frameworks related to Disaster Risk Management/ Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation, as well as relevant selected sectoral policies etc. (such as agriculture, food security, health, WASH, etc.) to ensure clear specifications for preparedness and response to warnings / anticipatory action.
  • Advocacy: Roll out advocacy/dialogue/sensitization campaign with relevant national institutions/stakeholders of the importance of integrating provisions for anticipatory action (triggers for action, roles/responsibilities and agreed anticipatory actions) into national disaster risk management and climate change legal and regulatory frameworks (plans, policies, strategies, etc), linked where possible to pre-arranged finance.
  • Integration of anticipatory action in national legal and regulatory frameworks: In support to institutions concerned, support the revision of national legal and regulatory frameworks (plans, policies, strategies, etc) related to Disaster Risk Management/ Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation, as well as relevant selected sectoral policies etc. (such as agriculture, food security, health, WASH, social security etc.) to integrate the recommendations/ actions arising from the baseline assessment study, to ensure clear provisions for anticipatory action and preparedness to respond to warnings (roles and responsibilities for all actors, coordination mechanisms, etc). This also includes guidance to the revision of regulatory frameworks and plans at district and municipal levels.
    • Establish an inter-ministerial WG to support institutions concerned in the revision of national legal and regulatory frameworks (plans, policies, strategies, etc) related to Disaster Risk Management/ Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation, as well as relevant selected sectoral legal and regulatory frameworks (such as agriculture, food security, health, WASH, social security, etc.) to integrate the recommendations/ actions arising from the baseline assessment study, to ensure clear provisions for anticipatory action and preparedness to respond to warnings (roles and responsibilities for all actors, coordination mechanisms, etc). 
    • Undertake diplomatic campaign to public authorities, including governmental authorities, parliamentarians and other relevant stakeholders. 
  • Integration of anticipatory action into district and municipal planning: Linked to the above, support the revision or development of district and municipal level climate/development/disaster risk management regulations and plans (e.g. contingency plans) to integrate clear specifications for preparedness and response to warnings / anticipatory action. This should be linked to capacity strengthening of local authorities in order for them to fully understand their roles and responsibilities in anticipatory action.

Intermediary Result 4.2: Preparedness capacities are increased at the local level, enabling first responders to act quickly and effectively based on early warning alerts

Outputs / Activities:

  • Assessment of preparedness capacities: Assess national and local response preparedness systems, stocks and capacities (e.g. map out the capacities of National Disaster Response Teams and create/update the database; map out strategic warehouses and stocks in high-risk areas together with relevant municipal authorities; map out existing HR, technical, resources, equipment in line with different levels of response (e.g. Green-Yellow-Red)).
  • Assessment of training needs: Identify, assess, and map training needs for upskilling of personnel involved in preparedness and response to warnings. 
  • Develop capacity building programme: Develop a comprehensive, modular and cost-efficient capacity building programme in line with mapped needs, including development of training package/ materials, identification of trainers/ resource personnel nationally/ internationally, development of a training plan/ scheduling with costing. 
  • Capacity building for public administration: Undertake capacity building initiatives for key institutions and stakeholders at all levels of public administration by category (i.e. practitioners; decision-makers; parliamentarians). 
  • Capacity building for local communities/local actors: Undertake capacity building initiatives for local communities (community members, CBOs, NGOs, OPDs, volunteers) on anticipatory action and preparedness to respond to warnings. 
  • Strengthen operational capacities: Strengthen institutional and operational capacities for national and local preparedness and anticipatory action e.g. logistics and supply chain management, human resources, fleet and transport management, stockpiling of equipment and supplies for anticipatory action.
  • Integration of anticipatory action into SOPs: Support the establishment, revision or upgrading of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for disaster response to ensure they provide guidance on anticipatory action and preparedness to respond to warnings, including roles and responsibilities of mandated institutions and stakeholders, chain of command, thresholds for activation, and types of anticipatory / early actions to be undertaken at all levels of the administration involved in the end-to-end early warning system.
  • Use of SOPs by relevant structures: Ensure that Emergency Operation Centres (EOC) and/ or other crisis/ emergency/ disaster management structures in the country use the updated SOPs appropriately in line with specifications for anticipatory action and preparedness to respond to warnings through regular consultative processes and workshops at all administrative levels concerned.
  • Preparedness planning: Undertake regular preparedness/ contingency/ emergency response planning exercises, bringing together governmental and non-governmental stakeholders; update and disseminate the preparedness/ contingency/ emergency response plans to all stakeholders involved, ensuring that both process (the planning exercises) and the outcome (the plans) test and include ability to take anticipatory action and to respond to warnings.
  • Simulations to test effectiveness of preparedness and response to warnings: Undertake periodic simulations (i.e. SIMEX) along preparedness/ contingency planning processes, including to test the functionality of early warning systems, and the ability to respond to warnings.
  • Take corrective action based on simulations: Undertake after-action reviews of simulations and disaster response operations; integrate corrective action when needed in an iterative manner in future preparedness/ contingency planning. In after-action reviews, assess the ability to have issued and disseminated warnings, and to have taken anticipatory action in response to warnings by institutions, stakeholders, communities and individuals.
  • Public awareness, education and mobilization: Undertake activities for public/community/household awareness and education on what actions to take once warnings are received including through campaigns, informal education, participatory learning and school-based interventions. Target and involve the most vulnerable groups including underrepresented groups in public awareness and public education campaigns. 
  • Community early warning system/contingency plan: Support the establishment of Community Early Warning Systems (cross-pillar) to develop capabilities and readiness to support anticipatory action within the community, including through ensuring clarity regarding who will take what action based on different alert levels.  Support communities to develop contingency plans incorporating forecasts, triggers and anticipatory actions for priority hazards.
  • Anticipatory action frameworks supported by partners: Where there are gaps in coverage by national plans, develop coordinated anticipatory action framework(s) supported by partners to complement/amplify national efforts.

Intermediary Result 4.3: Financing and delivery mechanisms are connected to effective anticipatory action plans, for action ahead of predicted hazards and crises

Outputs / Activities: 

  • National advocacy: Develop national financial advocacy strategy to promote resource allocation (i.e. budgetary expenditures) and additional resource mobilization from international and private financing sources for anticipatory action and preparedness across climate change, development (including sectoral) and humanitarian response funding streams, with a focus on scaled-up investments for local capacity for anticipatory action and preparedness to respond to warnings.
  • Integration into new or existing disaster risk and climate change financing mechanisms: Advocacy and capacity building for governments to integrate anticipatory action into new or existing disaster risk financing mechanisms.
  • Develop national/ local/ sectoral strategies to guide public administration structures to integrate anticipatory action and preparedness into new or existing disaster risk and climate change financing mechanisms.
  • Private sector partnerships: Create new/ scale up partnerships with private sector entities, including the insurance sector, to promote engagement and scale-up of anticipatory action and preparedness activities.

Intermediary Result 4.4: Strengthened collaboration between key stakeholders for informed action on the ground

Outputs / Activities:

  • Stakeholder coordination mechanism: Provide support towards the establishment / designation of coordination mechanism for preparedness and response to warnings.
  • Establish MOUs for coordination and collaboration between key stakeholders e.g. NDMA, NMHS, civil protection, IFRC network, UN agencies, NGOs, civil society etc to enable effective and harmonized preparedness and response to warnings (e.g. ensuring preparedness and anticipatory action actors are receiving risk analysis (through pillar 1) and forecasts (through pillar 2) needed to develop and trigger anticipatory action plans/frameworks).
  • Explore opportunities and engagement with the private sector on procurement of goods/financial service providers/others.
  • Strengthen mechanisms for peer-to-peer learning and sharing of best practices related to Pillar 4.

Pillar 4 Resources Package

The Resources Package is a curated selection of guidance documents to support country-level implementation of EW4All. This package offers approved guidance and tools to assist in the effective execution of the initiative.