Pillar 4 Resources Package: Preparedness to respond to warnings
- IASC | Emergency Response Preparedness | guidance
- UNDRR | Enhancing Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response | guidance
- IOM | Preparedness training for migrants | training
- IFRC | Contingency planning guide (English, Arabic) | guidance
- UNDP Preparedness Toolkit (English, Spanish, French): Brochure
- UNDP Preparedness Learning Pathway training for national and local authorities| Homepage | Brochure
Anticipatory Action
- OCHA | Anticipatory Action Toolkit | guidance
- FAO | Developing an Anticipatory Action System (English, Spanish, French) | training
- FAO | Community engagement in Anticipatory Action | guidance
- FAO | Disaster risk prioritization | guidance
- FAO | Striking before disasters do – Promoting phased Anticipatory Action for slow-onset hazards | guidance
- FAO | Applying an inclusive and equitable approach to anticipatory action | guidance
- IFRC | Anticipatory Action: A Proactive Approach to Disaster Risk Management (English) | training
- IFRC/GRC/RCCC| Forecast Based Financing Practitioners Manual | guidance
- WFP | Monitoring and evaluation of anticipatory actions for fast and slow-onset hazards: Guidance and tools for Forecast-based Financing | guidance
- UNDRR | Anticipatory action (AA): Best practices and guiding principles for financial protocols of AA funds | guidance
- GNDR | Locally led anticipatory action guide & toolkit | guidance
- Anticipatory Hub: AA for Governments | training
- Protection, Gender and Inclusion in Anticipatory Action Guide and Toolkit
Anticipatory Action and Social Protection
- WFP | Integrating Anticipatory Action and Social Protection | guidance
- FAO | Social protection and anticipatory action to protect agricultural livelihoods | Scoping paper
- UNDRR | Analysis of barriers in financing and operationalizing linkages between anticipatory action and social protection systems | guidance
- RC Climate Centre | Social Protection as an enabler in scaling up Forecast-based Financing using Impact-based Forecasting | guidance
Hazard Specific
- Red Cross | Guidance notes – FbA for drought | guidance
- UNDP | Feel. See. Hear. Run. Toolkit for Tsunami Preparedness | guidance
Community Early Warning Systems
- IFRC | Community Early Warning Systems: Guiding Principles (English, French, Russian, Arabic, Spanish) | guidance
- IFRC | Community Early Warning Systems: Field Guide (English) | guidance
- IFRC | The Checklist on Law and Disaster Preparedness and Response (English) |guidance